Announcement: Penang Tua Pui Photos display issue - August 5 Update
Written on 10:24 PM by Penang Tua Pui
August 5, 2008 update:
Dear readers,
Thank you for the patience while we were fixing the display issues. We managed to transfer some photos from PhotoBucket to Flickr (July posting only) while some old postings will continue to remain in PhotoBucket. The reason being there are many photos to transfer and to avoid slowing down our postings, we decided to move only latest ones. New postings will be hosted in new sites, in a way to relieve the bandwidth issue.
Rest assured, the pictures on old postings will be available again once we have the monthly bandwidth reset by August 14. We learnt this lesson this time and will ensure no repeat in future. In the mean time, do get ready for our August Highlights, a series of food review from overseas!!
*hint* it's a shopping paradise :):)
Penang Tua PuiDear readers,
Penang Tua Pui is currently experiencing heavy traffic and has exceeded bandwidth allowed by photo hosting sites. Huat Koay is currently rectifying the issue and should be resolved by tomorrow, August 4. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for the patience.
Stay tuned for more postings especially in August Highlights~!
Penang Tua Pui