About Us
Written on 12:20 PM by Penang Tua Pui
We are a group of fatty penang-lang (we call ourselves PenangTuaPui) who can't control ourselves from keep on eating and eating and eating.
In order to get more people to be as fat as us, we plan to write about good, tasty and delicious food, particularly around Penang. We wanted to get more and more people trapped into this. Get more fatty in Penang.
We want to make you lose control on your diet and can't stop eating and hunting for food.
In order to get more people to be as fat as us, we plan to write about good, tasty and delicious food, particularly around Penang. We wanted to get more and more people trapped into this. Get more fatty in Penang.
We want to make you lose control on your diet and can't stop eating and hunting for food.
Don't lie to yourself, this is the food-blog that you can't hold yourself from keep on reading..
Welcome you to join our Penang Fatty Club :)
![]() Huat Koay - Hawker Food Seeker Taste is the main factor.. not location | Fei Fei: Fine Dining Expert Work Less, Eat Hard | Tam Ciak: Prai Food Hunter Nothing but eat 24 hours |

your avatar is cute... not easy to get fatty together to work like u all did...
i will get my friends to read this as their food guide on their coming Penang Food Hunt.. Great jobs
wah wah wah...soo bad nia u 3..... wanna make more fatty in penang..... haha.... anyway nice blog.... i like it.......... I just read abt u from dragon blog.........
Jonathan: Thanks for supporting.
K3ViN: bor lar... we are not that bad... :P .. wanna get more ppl to like Penang's food lor....
Cute avatar :)
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog (we call it "flog" which means food blog here).
It's good to see another food blog on Penang food ;)
Keep up the good work!
jason: thanks for visiting, your blog is amazing.. added yours to get more food lover to join us and urs too....
Hi nice blog u have here.
Thanks for your link to my blog. Will sure be linking urs to mine :)
Penang-lang loves to eat..including me. Hahaha.
Keep up with the food reviews.
Good, good, good, thumb up. At last have a gang to promote Penang food! I am not fat (very skinny!) but love to eat also. I will recommend to you where to eat in BM. Email?
moo mommy: thanks for visiting our site and your suggestions. Yes, we would love to hear from you on your recommendations too. I dropped you an email as well. Happy eating!!
wat a evil fatty at Penang, how I can stop visiting here for the great food?!!
I become fatter bacause of you all. My bf start to complain. :(
not one but three FATTIES at PenangTuaPui... how can you stop visiting website that gives great food? You just keep going the same place again and again ...ehehehe
you've become fatter because you've found great food..Ask your bf to join you eating:D:D
nice penang food blog you have..but im not from penang..penang look like got a lot of good foods huh..i went there less than 10times b4..haha!
I own a food blog also, but it's kl and taiping food blog ^^
what are you waiting for???..
it's time to come over for great food~!!
Very proactive food lovers and keep up promoting our beloved Penang food! :-)
I linked your site in my bloglist, hope you don't mind! :-P
hi MyF,
Nice knowing you and glad we share the same interest in food.. like everyone else too~! :D
Of course you're welcome to link us, we'll do the same too~! :D
hahaah I like thie! so full of humour! weel done and keep it up!
You guys are BIG, well we're FAT :D
wat a naughty fatty, but i like your avatar. keep it up.
We're not just a naughty fatty,
we're three naughty fatties..
want to join us? :Þ
impressive photos taking, but size is big, my PC pusing pusing for at least 5 min before all the yam yam picture come out.
keep up the good work.
From : http://www.mommyscchoo.blogspot.com
it really takes time for the photo to load, sometime line is slow, then.. :(
but worth waiting for the yummy photo... lol
this is the feedback, your photo load a little slow then others, for people who take a quick look at the web site will close the explorer before the first photo load completely.
What a waste if you lost those readers?
Come n chat chat, Janet and Bee Bee...
thank you for the feedback and we are aware of the slow loading time. There are two issues we we've observed causing the slow download time. The first one is the Google Map that we link to display the locations of those stalls. Sometimes, it'll take a while for the pages to load up due to this bottleneck.
The second one is the amount of photos we use to describe in our posting. We tried to reduce the file size before without sacrificing the photo quality but the loading is still quite long.
Honestly, this is one area that we still need to further improve.. how to get good quality photo with low file size and maximum compression.
Huat Koay is our expert in IT stuffs and he's been working on it. At the same time, we do appreciate too if readers or other bloggers can share with us the method of achieving this results.
We'll continue to improve the page loading and readability and also other areas needed to the convenience of our readers.
Thanks again~!
was in penang 3 weeks ago and realised that i forgot to eat Bang Chang Koay and Koay Teow Thing! back in stupid UK with teruk food and pretend ppl selling penang food!
Just found your site. Very interesting and professionally done up. How do you embed the Google map to your article, especially with your cute avatars!!? Very well done
Justin Choo
3 of you had done a great job on this. Keep it up
How we look in real life is probably just like you.. maybe we have bigger stomach and bigger bulge at the front and on both sides ;)
But one thing is certain, we share the same interest.... yummy~!!!
Spacegirl Spiff,
Too bad you'll miss Penang food in UK, no worry.. in the mean time, visit our site for more Penang food that'll make your drool over your screen ...
Justin Choo,
Glad you like our site. Huat Koay is the our IT expert in this but he'll be bz for time being taking care of his new born baby :)
thanks for the compliments, hope you enjoy the postings we've put up :)
Just found your site as well... very interesting.
Any chance the PenangTuaPui group recruiting more reviewers. I also native penangkia always hunting for good food.
do drop me a line at shyenlim@streamyx.com
Nice blog with detailed write-up plus maps...just wondering, formerly before this, were you from Multiply?
Hi shyenlim,
At present we have not started recruiting more reviewers yet. We glad you too have strong desire like us to hunt for penang food. We'll get in touch with you soon...
You can also drop us a line at penangtuapui@gmail.com if you have further discussions. Thank you
hi choohk,
Thanks for the compliments. We're happy to know you enjoy our site as well. Not sure which part you are referring to but Huat Koay said prior to our official launch, he did try several sites for hosting and Multiply is one of them..
Now you'll see Penang Tua Pui everywhere... hehe
Good site, I always want to create a food review site like this but just not too motivated. You see my travel site also half dead.
Nice knowing you and ... yummy, we can share more thoughts in future on where to eat.
two more months and it would have been a first anniversary for your site~!! Come on, it's time to revive them again :)
Glad to have you visiting our site... yea, we can definitely share more on FOODSSSSSSSS in future...
Must come more often, ok? :):)
Im more of a person who enjoy eating, but hardly could figure out a place everytime food is being concerned. More like i've gone here, been there, ate this, tried that... Thus, this blog really came to my aid and i guess based on the venue of great food posted here, i guess i could enjoy myself here.
Thanks again and keep up the good site... =)
most of the time, we felt the same thing as well...So it's pretty much we share the similar problem like what you have. But over the time, we asked friends and share information on places to eat to learn more about places worth going and blog them here so that people like you will have opportunities to go for places you never been yet and perhaps can bring your friends from outstation or overseas to enjoy the taste of Penang cuisine at its most original...
we do hope you will continue to enjoy what we posted and try for yourself if the taste suits you too.... Happy dining~!
shoooo cute the three of u!
a n n n a,
Yes we are!!!!