Toh Soon Roti Bakar
Written on 7:59 PM by Penang Tua Pui
Tucked in a small alley that looked like escape path when you need to ‘chau lor”, is this small coffee shop that specialized in everyone’s favorite breakfast.. Roti bakar!
It is not exactly a coffee shop but rather a portion outside a shoplot that had been converted into coffee shop like structure.
Toh Soon Café is at the front end of Campbell Street which served nostalgic roti bakar and half-boiled eggs. It is easy to miss out this place despite you trying to search for it.
The café is on the left side small alley, the moment you turn into Campbell Street from Penang Road.
We keep saying nostalgic because that is how those roti bakar are prepared, under the charcoal fire. Yup, the roti bakar here has a more conventional, old style of toast, unlike the one at Sungai Tiram.
An oil drum was used with middle section cut to make holes that allow breads to be toasted directly under the charcoal while the top portion is used to boil the water. Occasionally, the charcoal ash may fall down but they will brush it off immediately.
The roti bakar here is thicker and toasted to perfection. You can choose from either having butter spread or the kaya spread. Yummy…. Tam Ciak loved them so much that he ordered three sets of kaya spread roti bakar.
The half boiled eggs came in transparent cups, just like how it used to be. (Told you, we really felt nostalgic coming to this place.) The eggs were more than just half boiled but with soy sauce and pepper, they tasted excellent!
This place is open from 8am till 6pm, daily. From what we know, this is also a favorite hangout for newspaper reporters. Even the current Penang CM, Mr Lim Guan Eng was seen patronizing this place too.
Wow, so famous till they can get a VIP guest. Perhaps next time if you want to know some insider stories or you want to get your autograph with the CM, you may get lucky here…hehehe
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Bake in action

Fui Yoh!!!! I MISS THEM SO MUCH!!!! My charcoal toasted bread ...... Must go back Penang to pay them a visit liao.
En tau eh .... got any idea in Penang if we organize a join review, what is the best place?
Roti bakar using charcoal fire. Wow, really old style. Must be tastier.
i'll need to add this to my must-try makan place on my next trip to msia.
Wah, really good place to visit, i never try before using charcoal for the roti bakar. Thanks to Penang TuaPui and i will going to try it.
Roti bakar using charcoal is the first time i heard it and normally i like the roti bakar near to the Penang Airport one. emmm this weekend will bring my wife to try it.
penang tua pui... i love your blog so much, i'm gonna give out ur blog address to The Star so that they can review ur blog!
indeed, with the charcoal toasted roti bakar, the bread has more burnt smell but that's the real original way of roti bakar....
the only concern is constantly watching the bread and turning them over and over again to ensure all parts of the bread "kena bakar"
we were brought up tasting this kind, somehow we still love this kind of roti bakar.. more authentic, more original :):)
thank you for your support!!
it's been wonderful to know Penang Tua Pui constantly impresses you all..
We glad we have done well and we hope to bring this to the next level. Our aim is not just to promote Penang Tua Pui but also Penang and Malaysia as well.
Let us all keep doing what we do best! :D:D
Thank you again for the wonderful support!!
wow... first time seeing such roti bakar. :)
you guys are rock!!
this type of roti very susah to find nowadays...will try it out this weekend, bringing my son along to see how it is done. Tks
Wow, glad to have found you. Now I know where to go makan-makan if I ever in Penang for a visit. Keep up the great job! :)
oh i've heard of this authentic roti bakar...but until now have not had the chance to go. must make it a point to go one of these days for breakfast. :) long I did not visit the place. The toast sure rocks!! Most of them time the place is so crowded that we have to join table with others or I ended up at Eng Loh for my Roti Taiwan topped with crunchy peanuts :P
My parents took me there the other day for a glimpse into their old pak thor days.
It was fabulous!
wahh really nostalgic look and feel!!!
hm i've been there b4...not really fond of ashes dropping on my bread :P and their milo no good anyway. Probably you should try Kwong Thai Loy which is at Hutton Lane, 2 shops away from the carpark building. I prefer to eat there. Late Loh Boon Siew was a frequent patron for their kopi.
wow! In Axian food show also got intro this method of roti bakar but the shop at pahang.
Cool! Penang also got. Must go try this weekend.
Fuh, you guys manage to blog about a place not many people blogged before! Nostalgic feel on the coffee shop.. good job! Nice photos too! You're fast becoming one my favorite Penang food blogs :)
we feel honoured and happy that we can share with readers the unique places in penang that sometimes most of us miss out.. like this one... we'll keep looking for these places and share with the readers when we find them... happy eating and Fat-ting.... :p
wah.. got leng looi some more, i think i ned to go there more frequent.. :P
My wife and I love this doubt need to wait but it is worth waiting.
I had reviewed this as well.
We are also a regular to this coffee stall for a few years already.... So far, no dissapointment. I usually ordered toasted wholemeal bread with peanut butter... Yumm... and barley som with lots of biji for my daughter.
how is the price compare to the one at Sungai Tiram... Sg Tiram one damn expensive...:(
What about the one in Sungai Tiram? The one that sells half boiled eggs and bread in the morning. At night, there's seafood porridge.You guys been there? It's my first time reading your blog and wow...I love it. Will keep reading it.
The price is about the same.
Don't think they're much different also... but the one sold at Toh Soon gives more variety of breads.. they have hainan, coffee, chocolate etc... good if you like varieties... :)
Yes, we have been there and quite often some time ago..What we liked is the fast service on roti bakar and drinks delivered, you don't have to wait long before getting your orders..
As for the porridge, yes, we had that too but it's a bit pricey because of the ingredients used.. mostly seafood... we prefer something simpler at times.... and easy on the pocket too... :):)