Pulau Tikus Market Ban Chang Kueh
Written on 5:15 PM by Penang Tua Pui
This ban chang kueh is the third type of pancake after our postings after Anson Road Ban Chang Kueh and Burmah Road Guan Apong.
This ban chang kueh has got to be the mother of all pancakes, with the diameter spanning more than 20 inches with each of them can be cut into 8-10 pieces.
Even the pans themselves are quite big, big enough to do mini teppanyaki perhaps?
This stall in Pulau Tikus is one of the ban chang kueh stalls selling the XXXXXL pancakes and the specialty over here is using brown sugar.
But then these days, many ban chang kueh sellers do use brown sugar as well as a variation to the white sugar. Maybe they were the early batch who started this product differentiation?
The aroma of the pancake once it is cooked is so refreshing, and so fragrant especially with the brown sugar. Watching the seller flipping one half of the pancake on top of the other and then cutting them into pieces in zig zag manner, we just could not wait to have the first bite on the piping hot ban chang kueh.
Boy, it was crunchy especially on the crust and sticky on the pancake. Sometimes, you will chew on the crushed nuts as well and Huat Koay said the feeling is nice.
There is an observation we noticed, the size has shrunk a little compared to years ago before the heavy inflation and petrol price increase. We remember the ban chang kueh used to cost less and in much bigger pieces. See what inflation has done even to our favourite ban chang kueh?
Each piece of the ban chang kueh sells at RM0.70 for the brown sugar and RM0.60 for the white sugar. The stall operates normally in the morning.
Sometimes, you will see and middle aged guy selling and at times his son will be manning the stalls instead. So, if you think of going there, look for the stalls instead of the person.
Map (click to get the dynamic map)

hey.. tuapuis... u all like ban chang kueh so much until post 3 of them.....
you all dun like laksa, char koay teow, or other thing meh?
no wonder you all so fat.... haha.. this is too sweet to me, but i would try the brown sugar one
Hurray! Finally found the 68 Kelawei, but they had change their name to Eclectic...
to know more please visit gourmet-garden.blogspot.com
I like to the small one, cuz got crispy edge.
Hi Joan,
ban chang kueh is a snack for us, after main meals mah.. our stomachs sooo big, after one full meal, we still can eat, eat & eat lor..... :p
gill gill...
wow, finally the place found again after some time searching... good, we should drop by soon..
Thanks for the the info~!
Little Inbox,
Yea, the smaller ones are quite nice especially the edges which are crunchy..
Fei Fei very naughty one.. always want to eat that part and leave the rest to us... He said that is his favourite... Then hor, our ban chang kueh got no edges one.... arghhhhh....
Penang Tua Pui,
I tried this ban chang kueh too!
At first I was shock when I saw there's brown sugar ban chang kueh. So, I bought 2 - one white and one brown.
I found that I like the brown sugar more :)
It is a great snack but there are not many stalls left in town selling this type of thick ban chang kueh. Where else could we get hold of this snack?
the peanuts bits must be very fresh, otherwise will have the oily taste >.<"
ei, ci lei ban chang kuah, lin pek cin suka.....
oo theng eh... cin pang, cin ho ciak..
cin cia ho kai siao...
hi Allie,
yes, the brown sugar ban chang kueh was something new when we first heard about it. But seems like it's a norm already...
ck lam,
at the island wise, not sure if there's other place other than the Pulau Tikus. Maybe readers can share too..
In mainland, we've come across few places selling them:
1. Chai Leng Park market, opp Post office (in the morning)
2. Jalan Raja Uda, where the famous eiu char koay stall is. This stall has pandan flavour ban chang kueh. (at night time)
3. BM market, in front of the Tua Pek Kong temple. (noon till evening)
yes, the peanuts play an important role too.. luckily for us, we haven't encountered any oily taste experience yet... phew~!
Also, the ban chang kueh tasted delicious while it's hot.. Once it cools down, not so good already.
yam yam, i like the smaller ban chang kueh which can add more things. I like the peanuts and some time i add the egg with cheese. Not sure this stall have the smaller ban chang kueh or not?
o i really like this ban chang kueh from when i small-fry. Normally i will bought two or three.
aiyoyo.. ane tua teh... beh ho seh la...
hey tua puiss.. can you all finish the whole pan??
Market Woo,
This stall only sell the bigger ban chang kueh. The smaller ones are easier to find anyway..Oh yes, egg and cheese are fantastic add ons to ban chang kueh~!
hamie tua teh? an chua beh lioa...
Tam Ciak alone can finish 2/3 already. Tua Puiss definitely need more than one whole pan ar... hahaha
Ai mai join wa lang ciak? :Þ
hey.. i like the little ones... crunchy and sweet...
Wow, never eat this before. I normally buy the smaller one with peanut butter buy my mum like this type of tick ban chang kueh. Need to go there on this weekend to have a try.
~vaniLLe~, Dido,
this is not as crunchy as the smaller ones even if you get the edge. Maybe because they're thicker and leave no place for crust? hehe
do give this a try if you ever find one... a different type of ban chang kueh :)
With brown sugar! That's something new!
I love the brown sugar version of the ban chang kueh from this stall most. Somehow they are not frugal in their amount of brown sugar compared to others. Moreover, their combination of ingredients is just nice for my taste bud. :)
I don't like the thicker ban chang kueh one but can give a try for this stall. Since so many comment good about this stall.
brown sugar? never tot of that... my home town type is white sugar one... but hor.. the one only sell at the chinese opera time at the temple.......
Brown sugar ban chang kueh is something rather relatively new, to our knowledge. Perhaps this is what marketing folks called product differentiation, to create an impression this ban chang kueh is unlike the usual with white sugar. But then, the competitive advantage is easy to follow or copy and hence, many of these stalls offer both white and brown sugar..
Give it a try, maybe you'll like it :):)
I really miss Ban Chang Kueh!! I think got 2 yrs didn't eat liao. And the this stall's ban chang kueh looks really thick le! Worth every single cents!
Btw, the map not so clear la, next time try to focus bit the place at the center.
Kelvin Ke Gia,
Thanks for the feedback. Btw, not sure which one you referring to when you said the map not so clear, whether the picture blurred or the mark is not at the center.
If the picture is not clear, you'll realise it's actually a static picture. You need to click on it to access Google Maps. This is to help us reduce the loading time on the page...
And if it's because of off center, it's due to a small balloon box that basically takes up the space...
Oh! I din know that it's clickable. Because when I hover over the cursor, the doesn't turn to a "hand".
Kelvin Ke Gia,
Hehehe.. Now you know a little "secret" to reach the Google Maps, and while you're there.. zoom out to see the the tua pui icons over Penang too... so cute~!!!!! :D
"at the island wise, not sure if there's other place other than the Pulau Tikus. Maybe readers can share too.."
Jalan Kimberley, Georgetown, near wet market on Saturday morning (2 stalls) also Jalan Air Hitam near Jalan Kampung Pisang, also used to be at Jalan Fettes but couldn't find this one again.