Voucher Give Away: Penang Tua Pui 6th Month Anniversary
Written on 12:48 AM by Penang Tua Pui
YES! Today we are officially 6-month old while we hit the 40,000 page impressions! The exciting journey we had since March had been very interesting and adventurous with the Huat Koay, Fei Fei and Tam Ciak hunting for food all from Teluk Kumbar to Pulau Tikus, Butterworth to Sungai Bakap and even to Hong Kong!
We enjoyed ourselves very much and satisfied our stomachs many, many times. And at the same time we felt delighted to share these with our fellow readers and to update you on good food and latest introductions in Penang…
To commemorate this occasion, Penang Tua Pui would like to throw in some exciting events and goodies for our dear readers.
First of all, there would be Sakae Sushi vouchers to be given away to our fellow readers. 5 random subscribers who have signed up to our Feedburner service will be selected and the selection will be done after two weeks from now.
Selected readers will be notified through email subscribed. If you have not subscribed to our service yet, don’t worry.
Refer here to details on how to subscribe!
Subscribe now to stay a chance to win the cash voucher from us.
Next, it is contest time! :D:D Don’t you love contest?? We have not just one but two contests! Hehe, see how excited we are to throw so much goodies…
Stay Tune for next post. :p
First of all, there would be Sakae Sushi vouchers to be given away to our fellow readers. 5 random subscribers who have signed up to our Feedburner service will be selected and the selection will be done after two weeks from now.
Selected readers will be notified through email subscribed. If you have not subscribed to our service yet, don’t worry.
Refer here to details on how to subscribe!
Subscribe now to stay a chance to win the cash voucher from us.
Next, it is contest time! :D:D Don’t you love contest?? We have not just one but two contests! Hehe, see how excited we are to throw so much goodies…
Stay Tune for next post. :p

wow.. give away lor... lets me subscribe now...
This is really interesting!
Come! Come!
what are you waiting for? :)
Hey Tua Puis, don't keep us waiting le... fast fast show us the contest!!!
Leng Lui,
Keep looking out for it... It's coming very, very soon!!!
i wan2~~~ hehe
If I am the lucky winner, please bring the vouchers to the dinner @ Edelweiss Cafe later this month :-)
wow..wat a progress! 40k hits in 6 mths?? i blog almost 2 yrs liao..only 100k hits..
Grab a chance to win it... quickly subscribe to the mailing list if you haven't done so..
If you win, we'll definitely pass it to you then.. Btw, remember to subscribe first ya? :):)
Yes, glad we've made it this far.. Hope to reach 100K hits too~!! hehehe
40k hits in 6 mths..an amazing figure 4 me
Great achievement Tua Pui gang! You will be my reference when I travel to Penang
I got all the answers except their heights. Eh ... entau eh ... no closing date ka. Then I give my answer after meeting you guys! :P So better reserve all these vouchers for me. :P
glad we have done it.. sure you can do the same too ~! :):)
Thanks~!!! Keep coming back to see what we'll be introducing every now and then~!
Got all the answers?? Good, then quickly post it lor... closing date? Yes, there is. 23 Sept 2008, less than two weeks from now...
if you win.. sure give you vouchers one... hahahah
Fuyoh Sakae Sushi vouchers!! Nice contest!
it's simple.. just subscribe to the Feedburner and you'll stand a chance.. Hurry~!! :D
i had submited hope to get one soon... :P
congrats on your 6 months! ;-)
Thanks for your participation. If you're the winner, we'll let you know!! :p
Congratulation, i guess your blog have injected some life into the Penangites.
It has been monotonous and repetitve every Saturday and Sunday me and my girlfren go window shopping, watch movie, or sitting at Starbuck's staring at each other.
No more after i found your blog, since then i've been hunting for food with reference to your blog, its exicing yet rewarding. At least have new spot every weekend.